Idaho Asphalt Paving Contractors

Dahle Construction LLC performs quality asphalt paving projects in Salmon Idaho, Boise Idaho and beyond. These Asphalt and Paving services include parking lots, roads, highways, and driveways on time and on budget. Dahle Construction’s company emphasis focuses on customer satisfaction. From the estimating phase, project management to site supervision. As experienced Idaho Asphalt Paving Contractors we meet and or exceed all municipal or state asphalt specifications. Our onsite supervisors ensure accuracy from preparation of sub grade to placement of stone base to the final paving surface.

Dahle Construction performing Paving Project
Asphalt Paved Parking
Expert Idaho Asphalt Paving Contractors
Dahle Construction performing Paving Project
Asphalt Paved Parking
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Dahle Construction performing Paving Project
Asphalt Paved Parking
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Asphalt Repairs
Crack Filling
New Construction & Overlays
Remove & Replace
Seal Coating
Temporary Winter Patching

Idaho Asphalt Paving Contractors Services

Dahle Construction can complete all your new asphalt paving projects. Onsite supervisors ensure quality work from the initial dirt phase to the final stunning asphalt surface. Our experience as Idaho Asphalt Paving Contractors also consists of repairing existing projects with overlays, placing hot asphalt over an existing concrete or asphalt surface. We can also completely remove and replace an existing surface with new hot asphalt paving. The asphalt paving can be completed with Striping and professionally applied seal coating. These services are completed in accordance with job specs. This seal coating extends the life of parking lots and driveways against vehicle gas and oil leads. This also gives the new asphalt paving protection of natural elements.

Asphalt Paving Repairs & Maintenance Services

We are available to complete all your asphalt paving repairs & maintenance needs. These include winter patching for a temporary asphalt fix until your asphalt paving repair job can be completed in the spring. We also patch holes; repaint striping; and repair cracks and potholes.

Dahle Construction LLC is part owner of a highly successful asphalt business in Idaho. This has allowed us to perform asphalt and paving contractor projects in Idaho since 2004. Our experienced paving crews complete superior paving projects using laser and sonar guided equipment.

Contact Us Today for your Idaho Asphalt Paving Contractors Project Quote